

Facebook and YouTube: Focusing on online video marketing

[st_row id_wrapper=”elm_5a9e67865aa85″ ][st_column span=”span12″ id_wrapper=”elm_5a9e67865aa3c” ][st_text wrapper_padding_top=”0″ wrapper_padding_left=”0″ wrapper_padding_bottom=”0″ wrapper_padding_right=”0″ wrapper_bg_opacity_slider=”” id_wrapper=”elm_5a9e67865a9e7″ ] The rapid rise of online video over the last decade means that

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YouTube’s highest paid star

[st_row id_wrapper=”elm_5a9e67865c785″ ][st_column span=”span12″ id_wrapper=”elm_5a9e67865c73a” ][st_text]  The internet truly is the great tool, as it had been proven so many times. As long as one

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The power of Facebook

In this world of technology and sharing, keeping your followers updated has become an essential factor in any business. A very good example is Beyonce’s

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