Regardless if you are creating your very first or your nth video, working on a video production can be daunting.
While you don’t necessarily need to have a huge team composed of many people, the help, expertise, and guidance of a savvy video production company can surely come in handy.
However, even if you will be working with a video production team, you still need to be able to identify and effectively communicate the goals you would like to achieve so your video team can deliver the kind of results you are looking for.
Make the video production process a lot easier by keeping the following key insider tips in mind:
Pick your internal team members accordingly.
The video production process has a higher chance of succeeding if you have able and qualified people on your internal team.
Having the right people on the internal team coupled with an effective communication strategy can help ensure the video achieves all the objectives set.
However, picking the right people on the team won’t suffice.
You need to make sure each member has a clearly defined role so they can perform it accordingly.
In addition, having a comprehensive feedback strategy can also go a long way to help ensure the success of our video production efforts.
For starters, utilizing a collaborative platform is considered ideal in terms of getting feedback as it allows the whole team to see each member’s notes in one place.
Furthermore, the following important aspects should also be taken care of during the planning stage:
- The time frame for collecting feedback must be decided on. 24 to 48 hours would be ideal so you don’t waste so much time and you can finish the production within the agreed time.
- Are there particular stages that need approval from upper management? Settle this aspect first before proceeding.
- Make sure the content achieves the goals and purposes the video wants to achieve.
Make sure you have thoroughly prepared your creative brief.
When it comes to video marketing, it is important that you are able to effectively articulate your concept in two minutes or less.
That being said, it is crucial that your brief must be both goal-oriented and precise.
Ideally, the best creative brief should include:
- Your elevator pitch.
- The need your product wants to fill or the problem it wants to resolve.
- A detailed breakdown of the brand’s target demographic.
- The tone and style you want for the video.
- The business goals of your video (i.e. phone calls, purchases, social media shares, etc.).
- An assessment of the competition and how they are marketing their brand.
- A call-to-action to close the video.
Don’t shy away from giving constructive criticism.
Marketing is not a one-step process.
It needs to be tweaked and polished every now and then until the desired results are achieved.
With that in mind, you should not expect your video production team to get the perfect clip the when they submit the first version.
When reviewing the first draft, take note of the aspects you are unhappy about and give suggestions and recommendations on how it can be improved.
When reviewing the clip, check for the following fundamentals:
- Is the visual style appropriate? Is it suitable for your brand? Be specific. Cover other important visual aspects like palette, style of animation, and lighting.
- Do you like how the voiceover is done? If not, consider investing in a new talent.
- Is the branding of the video in line with the brand’s identity (font, web address, logo, etc.)?
- Is there a negative phrase or word that needs to be omitted? Are there neutral statements that can be changed to positive ones?
- Does the video help your product stand out from the competition? In what ways?
- Are there technical glitches that need to be resolved?
You have to trust the video production team you have chosen.
There’s no denying lack of trust in the people you have chosen can delay your project indefinitely.
Given that you have gone through great lengths picking the best team for the job, it is but wise to let them do what they are good at.
If you second guess the team you have chosen all the time, you might just as well produce the videos on your own.
Of course, if you lack the knowledge, insight, experience, and expertise, that would not be a good idea.
As a general rule of thumb, you need to put your trust in the team you have chosen if you want to get your money’s worth.