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Key Qualities of Compelling Animated Explainer Videos

The importance of integrating animated explainer videos in today’s marketing arsenal cannot be overstated.

While not everyone may be aware of it, animated explainer videos have proven to be invaluable when it comes to:

  • Clarifying complex ideas / concepts
  • Introducing new services / products to the market
  • Introducing the brand to new site visitors
  • Pitching ideas

Done accordingly, animated explainer videos can also be used to effectively demonstrate / showcase the function or value of your products / services.

To help ensure you are able to produce a compelling animated explainer video that truly delivers, below are some key components that needs to be present:


For your animated explainer video to be effective, it has to be memorable.

Keeping your video short and succinct is one of the best ways to help people easily remember your video.

Ideally, for videos to perform best, they should not exceed 90 seconds long.

At least 150 words per minutes is also considered ideal.

In line with this, you need to work on making your message as short and focused as possible.

This is one of the strong points of using animated videos—they allow you to visually convey your main points way quicker than just using script alone.

The option to use engaging visuals makes it possible for you to produce a video that’s memorable even if it’s just short and sweet.


At times, animated explainer videos are used to discuss topics that are complex or just relatively dry.

For example, data tools, resume writing services, marketing strategies, etc.

However, done right, an animated explainer video can still capture and keep the viewer’s attention long enough to convey their message effectively.


Because they are fun!

A humorous or whimsical video can be used to distract viewers and take their mind off the dryness of the subject.

The result is an engaging video that makes an uninteresting topic somewhat fun.

Adding an element of fun can also help amplify both the effectiveness and the entertainment level of your video.


Another key quality of a good animated explainer video is relevance.

For your video to be relevant and appealing, it has to address the preferences and needs of your target audience.

When you are able to address the needs and preferences of the people you are targeting, you will make it a lot easier for people to relate to your business and the subject you are discussing.

In addition, you can also achieve relevance if you create a video that will remind people of themselves.

While you can use the script to appeal to your target audience, it is animation that will be used to connect with the target viewers.

For example, if you create characters that reflect the actions and appearance of the people you are targeting, it becomes easier for them to recognize themselves in the video and connect with your brand and business.


An excellent animated explainer video should also be simple.

In other words, it should deliver short yet direct answers to questions the viewers have.

To effectively achieve video clarity and simplicity, the following structure should be observed.

  • Problem
  • Solution
  • Explanation
  • Call to action

Also, the animation that accompanies your video will convey your message more clearly if you incorporate visuals that are crisp, clean, and uncluttered.

When you focus on creating simple yet powerful videos, you will be able to answer the questions of the viewers without bombarding them with details that will only distract them from understanding your primary message.


Your animated explainer video is more likely to deliver the results you are looking for if they clearly reflect your brand.

It does not matter if you are creating a corporate video or a video that introduces a new product, for it to be truly effective, it has to be branded.

For example, there should be guidelines that will address the kind of design choices that are deemed apt for materials that are branded.

More importantly, your animation should adhere to those guidelines you have identified.


Another key quality a superb animated explainer video has is its ability to effectively tell a story.

Fortunately, transforming complex or bland concepts into entertaining stories is easier when using animation.

All that is necessary is a beginning, an end, and a middle that will tie everything together.

You can do this by showing the problem, providing a solution (your product or service), and showing the benefits your product / service can offer.

Using that formula, you can easily create a story that is not only memorable but also easily understood.


A powerful animated explainer video should be one that appeals to your target audience and conveys your message clearly at the same time.

By ensuring all the key qualities are taken into account, you’d be able to produce a video that will not only captivate but will also fascinate your audience and will make them appreciate your brand even more.



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