corporate video production in Singapore

Twenty eighteen was a huge year for video content. Whether you are an advertiser or a social media user, you’ve surely noticed how Facebook, Instagram, and other social media accounts have changed how they present content. Video has become a staple on everyone’s newsfeed and it has greatly improved how we consume content. 

This is why more and more businesses are starting to use video marketing to promote their brand. Companies are starting to use corporate video production and explainer videos just to keep up with these changes.   

Mobile Device Adaptation 

With the availability of mobile devices, it has now become easier for consumers to watch videos anytime they want. In fact, based on the Digital in 2018 in South East Asia report of We Are Social, mobile connectivity in Southeast Asia was at 141 percent. This percentage is expected to grow by 2019.

These numbers only show that more people are accessing and watching online videos through their mobile devices. It also presents an opportunity for businesses to engage an audience primed and ready to consume video content. As a report from HubSpot Research revealed last year, 54 percent of consumers want to see videos from brand—more than any other content format.

Here are more reasons why video shows a lot of potential to attract consumers: 

Mobile is now the first screen for video

Gone are the days when television is the first screen people turn to for video consumption. According to data released by mobile analytics service Flurry, people these days spend an average of 2 hours and 57 minutes on  their smartphones and tablets. 

This is the first time that the statistics on the time spent on mobile screens has already surpassed the time spent watching television. Moreover, children now prefer tablets than TVs, with more than 1/3 of children aged 5 to 15 having their own device. 

Improves social engagement

Video content is a good way to improve engagement on your social media accounts. According to Statista, there will be 2.95 billion social media users by the year 2020. Therefore, focusing on social media networks to promote your brand can provide a great return. You can use videos to boost your business’ online engagement and conversion rates.

Through producing helpful and relevant video content on Facebook, Instagram, or other social media accounts, you will encourage your audience to like, comment, and share your content. Engagement is very important these days, especially now that people are bombarded with content on a daily basis.

Video has the highest engagement rate

Video viewership is growing each day. On Facebook alone, there is a whopping 8 billion video views each day. In the same We Are Social report mentioned above, it has shown that out of all the content formats being posted by Facebook pages in South East Asia, video content has consistently received the highest average engagement rates. It has received 9.94% in Brunei, 9.70% in Indonesia, and 6.27% in Cambodia.

If you need help with corporate video production, one company which can help you is Reelmedia Pte. Ltd. They are known in Singapore for delivering quality video production solutions. Check out their website for details. 

These days, mobile phones have become an essential part of our lives. This is because consumers are starting to use their devices for a variety of reasons now more than ever. As a business owner, this means your video marketing strategy needs to be able to adapt to this new norm. 

The right adjustment can also help you reach more customers through different mediums such as videos. Since more and more people are using mobile devices, this means that you need to be strategic with how you use video marketing. 

Why Use Videos in Your Marketing Strategy? 

Videos are a great way to provide meaningful and helpful content to your audience. This also makes video an effective tool to boost your online presence and ranking. Ultimately, your goal is for your videos to be seen by a wide range of audience. 

You can also use social media shares as a stamp of approval. The more likes, shares, and engagement you get, the higher your chances are of boosting your search engine ranking.

Through producing an entertaining or heart touching video, you have better chances of getting more shares and views. There are many websites where you can post these videos, making it easier for you to gain more views. If you’re lucky, your video can even get shared without you even spending a dollar. 

YouTube, Vine, and Instagram are just some of your website options for video promotion. These sites are easily accessible on mobile. They are also designed to make it easier for your target audience to discover your content and share it to other social media platforms as well.

According to Digital Insights, a fourth of Facebook users check their Facebook accounts more than 5 times per day. The same study also showed that 751 million online users log onto Facebook using their mobile devices. In general, online viewers prefer video. Considering that it stands out visually in newsfeeds, you are more likely to catch your audience’s attention with this type of content. 

Here are other reasons why this type of content is a must in your marketing strategy:

It can easily grab people’s attention

Most online users now prefer watching video to consume content. Even if your page is well optimised or has a lot of helpful information, it might not get that much traffic if it’s just full of text. If a picture is worth a thousand words, imagine how efficient videos can be in terms of delivering content. 

An embedded video can boost other types of content, can break up a huge chunk of text, and intrigue your online viewers. While images can work in a similar way, they do not capture emotions and curiosity like a videos do.

It can help time pass

For many people, mobile devices can effectively help time pass. People use it while waiting for the bus, preparing meals, or even waiting for a meeting to start. This is a great opportunity your brand should take advantage of. Through this, you can create top funnel content that can draw people to your videos.

People now have easy access to WiFi

With free WiFi, people no longer have to worry about exceeding their plan’s data limit or incur additional charges. Most public places now have free WiFi. Businesses such as restaurants and cafes even use it to attract customers. This allows more people to use their smartphones or tablets in order to view video content.

If you need help with corporate video production, one company that can help you is Reelmedia Pte. Ltd. They are known in Singapore for delivering quality video production solutions. Check out their website for details. 

corporate video production in singapore

Everyone has heard the statement “content is king.” It is a great way to attract, engage, and then convert your customers online. However, it is also important to consider how the content is presented to the audience. 

Currently, video content is clearly one of the most effective ways to reach your audience. Whether you plan to use corporate video or explainer video, this type of content should be a part of your marketing strategy.  

Video Marketing Insights for Your Marketing Strategy

If you need more convincing as to why you should use video marketing, this State of Video Marketing Report for 2018 will convince you. This report provides some useful statistics on the effectiveness of using video production in businesses. Here are some of the insights that will convince you to add video to your marketing strategy.

  • 72% of consumers prefer watching a video to learn about a brand, product, or service than read about it
  • 97% of marketers says that video has helped them increase user understanding of their product
  • 76% of marketers says that video helped them increase sales
  • 80% of marketers say video has increased dwell time on their website
  • 95% of consumers prefer to watched an explainer video if they want to learn more about a product or service

Ways to Use Video for Your Marketing Strategy

The statistics mentioned above show how effective video is becoming to have a successful marketing strategy. If it has already convinced you, you may be asking yourself how you can use video to promote your brand. Here are some ways for you to do it:

Website – if you want to reduce your site bounce rate, you can use videos to engage your audience. You can use an explainer video to help your audience better understand your service or a welcome video that visitors can use to learn more about your brand.

Social Media – this is one of the most common ways for you to use a video. Most brands with social media accounts share videos online. As compared to other type of content videos are engaging and the social media platforms make it easy to watch and share them. 

You can use the video for paid ads or promotions on social media platforms such as YouTube, Instagram or Facebook. This will help broaden your reach and even maximise your marketing efforts. 

Blog – another popular way to share your video content is through blog. Why limit yourself to just sharing it on social media if you can also embed it in on blogs? Videos can strengthen your blogs. For example, you can use an explainer video for your “how to” blogs to better inform your readers about your brand. 

Newsletters – just like social media, newsletters let you get the video in front of the right audience. You can do this without even waiting for them to look for the on their own. Adding a video that supports the theme of your newsletter can even reinforce the topic. People are more likely to watch a video to better understand something that they have read about.

If you need help with video production, one company that can help you is Reelmedia Pte. Ltd. They are known in Singapore for delivering quality video production solutions. Check out their website for details. 

Without a doubt, video storytelling has become a popular trend these days. Social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook have embraced it as well. Since everyone is already using it to reach their video marketing goals, the challenge has come down on how to keep up with the competition. 

In fact, most viewers have come to expect videos as a way of communication. We no longer find it as a surprise if we see an explainer video from the brand we follow. 

According to a 2014 survey by Levels Beyond, 40% of consumers now prefer watching a brand video as compared to just reading the same information. This survey gives brands an awesome opportunity to tell their brand story share their new products or service in a compelling way.

Video Marketing is Here to Stay

Video marketing will continue to be a great way for brands to build a connection with their target audience. They can use it as their medium to have an emotional connection with viewers. Aside from the fact that videos are visually stimulating, it also creates an emotional reaction from the viewers. 

This happens when your target audience sees a video or watches a story. When this happens, their emotions can begin to mirror what they watch on screen. This is the same physical reaction that happens when you watch a scary movie.

Videos Can Create Customer Satisfaction

Social media allows consumers to easily review your product or service. The worst part for brands is that these days, it’s hard to identify real reviews from fake ones. that’s why we trust our friends and families when it comes to reviews of whether a product is good or not, the movie is interesting or not, or the new restaurant has good food or not. 

This forces brands to be extra careful with their reputation by ensuring they offer quality service and manage reviews the best way possible. As a brand, you can even use your own story of satisfied customers. Share their opinion regarding your brand, what they have to offer, and how it has resolved their problems in life.

The Video Needs to Stand Out

If the video is indistinguishable from the rest of its competition, then it will not be as successful as you wish for it to be. The corporate video needs to uniquely represent your brand if you want it to help you to stand out among other brands.

The Video Should Connect with Your Audience

Emotional connection helps elicit emotional reaction from the audience. It drives purchasing decisions so you want this strategy to be a formula in your corporate videos. 

It Should Solve a Problem

To really establish a connection with your audience, you have to make the content of your video relatable. Some of the best brand stories are driven by the desire to solve a specific problem your target audience are struggling with.

If your staff members are already swamped with tasks or do not have the skills to finish the task, turn to Reelmedia Ptd Lte. They have years of experience in producing quality videos and helping businesses reach their digital marketing goals. 

Corporate video production in Singapore

Video creation is no longer new for the big brands. They have been doing it long since everyone was still using traditional marketing strategies. However, with the availability of modern marketing tools and techniques, even entrepreneur and start ups can create and promote video. 

Video marketing has recently become one of the easiest and most effective ways to promote a brand, get leads, and gain sales online. With it’s current popularity, it appears to be a trend that is built to last.

Everyone has been using video marketing that is has become an essential part of marketing strategies. If you want to develop your own video marketing strategy for your startup, here are steps to keep in mind.

Assign the task to resources

Whether you are making a short explainer video or a lengthy documentary, you need to have people who will help you realise the project. Big brands have the budget to hire video production companies. 

If this option is not in your marketing arsenal, assign the tasks to people who have the time and is committed to help you. Keep in mind that video marketing is not a one-time production thing. You need to be consistent to keep up with your competition and keep your customers interested. 

Target the right audience

If you already have a customer base, look at their profiles carefully. How will you describe them? Is there a way for you to categorise them? What pain points do they have? Can you solve these pain points? 

Answering such questions can help you build a foundation on what type of audience you are going to target. It will also help you analyse how to best reach them and to communicate your message to them. 

Study your competition

Aside from your audience, you also want to take time researching on your competition. Check the amount of loyal following they have, and how they are communicating with them. What will you do to improve the way they engage their audience? Can your product better solve the audience's problem? 

If your competition's profile isn't enough, you can always ask questions to existing and potential customers to get to know them better. 

Value over sales

The message of your content should always revolve around how you can solve your audience's pain points not on promoting your products. While it’s important to explain to them who you are and what your products can do, you need to start by creating a relevant story behind it. Keep in mind that most consumers identify with other people they see on video not objects. That's why it's important to put a face to the brand.

Choose the right platform 

Once you get to know your audience, learn where they usually spend their time online. That is where you want to run your explainer or sales video content. Whether they are using Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn, take advantage of their platforms ad services to reach your audience. For example, Facebook has many helpful features designed to support your video marketing efforts. 

If your staff members are already swamped with tasks or do not have the skills to finish the task, turn to Reelmedia Ptd Lte. They have years of experience in producing quality videos and helping businesses reach their digital marketing goals. 

Many brands now resort to video marketing to reach their marketing goals. If you look at social media, websites, and search engines, videos are everywhere. It is no longer an option. In fact, video 81% of businesses use videos as their marketing tool. In 2019, this number is expected to increase by 87%.

It is also expected that videos will dominate the Internet in the coming years. Thus, you want to make sure your content stands out from the rest of the videos other brands competing for your target audience’s attention are producing.

One of the key steps to do this is by keeping up with the trends. It is an actionable way for you to grab and hold your audience’s attention. If you want to ensure that you will make the most of your corporate video production, make sure you are up-to-date with the current trends customers love.

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence or AI has a lot of benefits–it can search patterns, analyse consumer behaviour, utilise data, and even get data from websites. These benefits can help businesses to understand how their potential and existing customers find their preferred products and services. Businesses who will adopt AI will likely enjoy benefits like saving on cost and accelerating growth.


We’ve seen a lot of chatbots before but it will continue to be an important part of the digital marketing arena for many years to come. This technology uses instant messaging to let you chat real-time with your existing or potential customers. A lot of consumers now use chatbots to get answers to their inquiries. 

A few years from now, it is expected that chatbots will help businesses to save over $8 billion annually. This is especially true for businesses in the healthcare and banking industries. These days, customers prefer chatting as they can do it wherever they are and whenever they want. 

Chatbots are also responsive, instant, and can accurately recall your buying history. Plus, they never lose patience. They serve as virtual assistants that help ensure great and consistent customer service. This gives businesses the luxury to focus on other important tasks.

Programmatic advertising

Programmatic advertising is the process of using AI to automate ad buying. This way, brands can target more specific audiences. This automation is fast and efficient so you get lower customer acquisition costs and improve conversions. In fact, according to eMarketer, programmatic advertising is quickly changing the face of digital advertising to the point that about 90% of US digital display ads will become programmatic by year 2020.


If you want your marketing strategy to be unique, you need to customise and personalise your marketing strategy. This means you need modified content in your emails, corporate video production, social media, and more. Through consumer behavior such as clicks and purchase history, you can easily personalise your content.

If your staff members are already swamped with tasks or do not have the skills to finish the task, turn to Reelmedia Ptd Lte. They have years of experience in producing quality corporate videos and helping businesses reach their digital marketing goals. 

corporate video production in Singapore

With video dominating your newsfeed and the Internet, maybe you're starting to think that you need to produce video. The problems is don't know where to begin. To help you get started, here are some steps you need to take before shooting a sales or corporate videos.

Know your video's purpose

A video marketing strategy will struggle to succeed if it's only focused on selling more products. While that may be your ultimate goal, too much self-promotional content will go unnoticed. Consumers watch videos that educate, inspire, and entertain them. 

Before you can even convince them to click "add to cart,” you need to show them why your product is worth their every cent. It is understandable that you still want to get your viewers to do the next step. However, you also wouldn't want them to feel annoyed because you assaulted them with another sales pitch.

Plan your video production

The plan of your corporate video production will serve as a synopsis of your story.  This way, you’ll have a good sense of why you’re making the video and who the video is for.  Without a plan, it would be hard to realize your ideas and measure your success. 

Just like in a film production, before the cameras start rolling, you need to have a script first. This will help you have a clear set of directions on what you want to achieve and how to get there. 

Create a pre-production checklist

After planning your video marketing strategy, the next step is to have a pre-production checklist. List down every material, prop, staff, and other important things that you will need during the production. If you have everything you need, things will run smoothly, saving you time and budget during production.

Choose the right music

This factor is crucial as music helps set the mood of your viewers. Many successful marketing videos are supported by good music that complements the pace of the content. Music adds energy and emotion to the video. We all know how important emotional factor when trying to connect with your audience.

Use engaging visuals

Match your music with the right visuals. Avoid keeping a single clip playing for too long as this could make your viewers feel bored. Instead, use quick and engaging videos to keep them interested in your content. With these tips in mind, you can now get started with your video marketing production and compete with other brands.

Have a good concept

This is one of the hardest parts of the process. If you have a team of creative minds who can help you conceptualise an idea, assign them to be a part of your video marketing team. Otherwise, you can hire creative professionals to get the job done. 

While market research can help you know who your target audience is, a creative mind can help you reach and engage them. Professionals have the experience in using the right approach to make your story appear fresh to the audience.

If your staff members are already swamped with tasks or do not have the skills to finish the task, turn to Reelmedia Ptd Lte. We have years of experience in producing quality videos and helping businesses reach their digital marketing goals. 

Regardless if you are a huge company making a killing or a startup still trying to find your way around, it would be safe to assume you consider every marketing dollar you set aside to be valuable.

In other words, you want to make sure your marketing allocation is spent on something that will yield the most in terms of ROI.

Reports and statistics have indicated that in today’s highly connected world, video marketing is one of the best options marketers have at their disposal.

However, there is no guarantee your video will always perform according to your expectations.

The good thing is you can significantly increase your video’s chances of faring exceptionally by avoiding these common video production mistakes at all cost:

Budget is too small.

The fact that video production costs money is not up for debate.

And this is understandable since the video production company you will be working with are composed of highly trained professionals who will spend countless hours creating the perfect video to sell your product.

If your budget is too small, chances are you’ll get nothing more than limited animation, stock character designs, and copy and paste scripts.

Typically, compelling and high quality explainer videos require a budget of at least $2,500.

Factors that can affect cost include complexity of scenes, video style, and the experience level of the video production company, among other things.

While videos can come across as costly investments, they are worth every penny if you take into account all the amazing benefits they offer.

The time you allot for the project is not enough.

If you want your chosen video production team to come up with the best concept for your brand, you need to give them ample time to brainstorm.

Creative thinking will take time.

Give your chosen team enough time to bounce ideas around as opposed to settling on the first idea that pops up.

In addition, don’t encourage ideas from videos done by your competitors.

While it would be wise to keep track and be aware of what they are up to, it is way better to create something that will make your brand stand out.

The video’s message is not clear.

If you want to make your video powerful, memorable, and effective, you need to ensure your message is clear and straightforward.

In other words, it should not beat around the bush and should be devoid of details that are unnecessary.

Sure, it can be tempting to include as many information possible about your product in one video.

Unfortunately, this would prove counterproductive.

Not only will it overwhelm the viewer, it might also confuse them.

Do yourself and your target audience a huge favor and get rid of all the elements that are unnecessary and focus on the primary message you would like to convey.

Once you get the attention and interest of your target audience, they’d most likely look for additional information from the other marketing materials you have on your site.

Also, since your video also functions as a sales and marketing tool, make sure you include a call-to-action as the end of the presentation so you can guide your viewers accordingly in terms of the action they need to do.

As much as possible, use your video to generate more leads for you.

So rather than merely inviting your viewers to visit your site, suggest that they sign up for any freebies you are offering or check out some of the amazing discounts you are providing.

You use too many jargons in your presentation.

While you might be familiar with corporate jargons, it is very likely that most of your target audience is not.

And since the video will be made for their consumption, their needs should rank high in your priority list.

That being said, ensure your script is jargon free and presented in a way that’s easy to understand.

Contrary to popular belief, your viewers will not be impressed with your use of jargons.

It might even do the opposite and cause them to stop watching your video.

Your video’s humor is done in bad taste.

Using humor can be tricky.

Understandably, the things people will find funny differ and is based on several factors like age, political views, economic status, etc.

In line with this, you have to be extra cautious when injecting humor in your video.

After all, the last thing you would want to do would be to alienate prospective customers who stumble upon your video.

If you want to incorporate humor into your script, it would be best to test the humor elements first with the help of people who mirror the people you would like to target.




The conventional types of advertising such as using newspapers, posters, and flyers, are starting to become obsolete. Online marketing like content marketing and video marketing have already taken over. Today, more and more businesses are starting to follow this new trend as it reaches more audience and is practically cheaper. Be it a small or a huge enterprise, online marketing has become an important part of any business. It helps companies interact their target audience and build awareness of the brand, products or services. Through social media sites, people can spend as many hours as they want to watch videos online and it would be a missed opportunity for your business to ignore this huge market. So if you need more convincing as to why video marketing in Singapore is important, check out some of the reasons below.

Better chances of reaching your target audeince
Did you know that a total of 72 hours of video are actively being posted on the YouTube site in one minute? So by the time you have finished reading this paragraph more and more videos are up for view consumption. As mentioned above, social media users spend millions of hours watching video content in just one day. Moreover, since people pay attention to videos, video marketing generate more leads and better conversion as compared to any other forms of marketing. These should be more than enough reasons to convince you to join in and start your own video marketing strategy.

Better search engine rank
Google owns YouTube, and together they are two of the biggest search engines of our generation. This means that with a video you will have better chances of ranking in any of these search engine sites. So start making a YouTube page to market your business and to reach your target audience.

Don’t get behind the competition
Since video marketing is so popular you competitors may already have a great video marketing idea up on their sleeves or may be they have are already planning to join the bandwagon for better ROI. So be proactive and have an edge over your competitors. Think of a unique and catchy way you can connect with your audience through video marketing and start working on it.

Improve brand awareness
When making a marketing plan, most businesses’ goals are to have a better business visibility as well as brand awareness. And with videos, you have a great way to achieve these goals. People prefer watching videos than reading texts so you have better chances that clients will pay your site a visit and eventually purchase your product after watching your company’s video. If you’ve aced your marketing plan and have produced an interesting video, there is a great possibility that your video will go viral and have more views online that you have expected.

Improve chances of delighting your audience
Every opportunity you can interact with your audience is good for your business entity. If your video is so effective that it has sparked conversations between potential clients online then your team deserves a pat on the back. This is an indication that you are on doing the right thing as long as the connection between the clients and your company is positive.

Do you need more details about video marketing can help you? Contact Reelmedia Pte. Ltd. for any video production questions you may have. Their friendly staff will be more than happy to assist you.

There’s a lot you can do with a corporate video. You can either use it to introduce your branding, promote a new product, or endorse a new line of business. Whether you are after a 30-second advertisement about a new service or an entire hour of introducing your business’ project, producing a creative video production is always a unique and effective way to deliver your story. Want to know the techniques you can use to better transmit your message to your audience through videos? Find out the guidelines by reading the next paragraphs below:

1. Start by understanding who are audience is or are
Before anything else, you need to understand whom you are doing this video production for. Is it for your business partners, for your new hires, or for your target clients? We all know that your ads will not appeal to every type of audience you may think of so you need to know their persona and be as specific as possible. Be sure that your message is well defined and is tailored to the problems of your viewers.

2. Make an impressive script
Keep in mind that all great things start on paper first, be it a video production, a building, or a movie. So during video production, treat your script as the blueprint or plan of the end results. The story inside it should describe every visual and audio element, just like when architects plan a building’s blueprint. This blueprint should resonate your message to your viewers and should clearly depict what you would like to see once the video is done. Spend as many hours as needed to produce an efficient script so you wouldn’t have to waste hours and budget doing edits or retakes.

Moreover, marketing videos are ideally shorter so if you can produce one that is less than a minute or two that will be more effective. Make it clear and catchy so you can easily grab attention of your target audience. Don’t squeeze in a lot of information about your product or business and consider it as a summary of what you want to say. Every second of the video should be worth your viewers’ time so save all the detailed information on your blogs or web pages.

3. Engage your audience
Unlike other marketing tactics, videos make it easier for business owners to persuade their audience. Just target the right audience, engage them, and you are on your to leading them to be one of your followers or customers. If they share your videos, they also help as one of your promoters. It offers a unique experience to your audience since it engages them orally and visually.

4. Focus on your audience
Establish a good relationship with your audience so you can reap the benefit of gaining their trust. Remember that at first, viewers are only watching videos for no other reason than to solve their own problems so you have to give them a reason to give you their support or help.

5. Properly distribute the video
Once the video is done, you can upload it to your personal website, your client’s website, company’s YouTube page, Facebook page, and other social media sites. You can also play the video at trade shows or seminars. By having a well-distributed video, it will be easier for you to reach you target audience.

Do you want to produce engaging, easy to watch, and engaging videos? Look no further than Reelmedia Pte. Ltd for video production services that you can trust! Visit their website for further details.