video production in Singapore

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has caused governments to curtail business activities while cautioning citizens to stay at home as much as possible. As businesses scramble to adapt to the new normal, they are also forced to adjust their marketing plans to cater to a vastly different customer behaviour.

While many people find the current economic climate uncertain, many chose to continue their marketing efforts or they might find themselves struggling a few months later or when everything stabilises. Fortunately, even if your business has to make do with a leaner marketing budget, they can always rely on video marketing to deliver the kind of results they are looking for.

How to Make Video Marketing Work for You

If you are like most businesses, you’re probably wondering if you’ll have the funds to invest in video marketing at this point in time. If anything, the answer is a resounding yes. You have to remember that the business environment has changed dramatically and some marketing channels are no longer an option, at least for the time being.

Case in point: many businesses allocate as much as 30 to 40 percent of their marketing budgets attending conventions and trade shows. Since extensive travelling and mass gathering are restricted at the moment, it would make perfect sense to redistribute your marketing funds to other marketing channels. This is where video marketing comes in.

To enjoy the full benefits video marketing has to offer, keep in mind the following basics:

Replace trade shows with videos

Missing trade shows does not mean you should also miss out on the opportunity to connect with old and new customers. In lieu of trade shows, consider hosting an online version of the event. Start by creating and sharing powerful keynote speeches as videos. If this is something you’ll need help with, consider investing in the services of trusted video production companies as money well spent.

Stay in touch with customers

Since most people are staying at home, they most likely won’t find your silence golden. That being said, it would be wise to find ways to remind customers that your brand exists. If you’re like most businesses, it is also likely that you’re experiencing issues with suppliers and distribution channels. In line with this, it would be a great idea to create a video explaining why you can’t provide the same level of service they expect from you.

Other things you might want to share with your customers include:

  • How important the safety of both employees and customers are to you and how hard you’re working to ensure it stays a priority
  • Any changes that might impact any scheduled events or planned operations your brand has scheduled
  • Details of a flexible cancellation or refund policy to ensure the continued convenience of your customers

Keep prospects and customers engaged

With most people currently in the lookout for worthwhile video content to consume online, brands have responded by getting quite creative with their videos. For instance, gyms and fitness centers have been creating and sharing at-home workout videos while restaurants have been sharing cooking ideas online.

Lego responded by increasing the number of educational videos they’re sharing online in the effort to help millions of parents who are dealing with the challenges of home schooling. To make your videos engaging and powerful, selling your products or services does not always have to be the primary goal. You can also use your videos to connect with your target audience better and let them know you have their utmost good in mind.

Final Thoughts

Decades prior, many businesses once considered video marketing a luxury only the titans in the industry can afford. Thankfully, that is no longer the case nowadays. If anything, video marketing has become quite accessible, and yes, even affordable. In fact, a HubSpot survey revealed at least 92 percent of marketers consider videos as an integral part of their marketing strategy. 

Eventually, the world will be able to transcend this global crisis. When that time comes, you’ll most likely get a chance to do trade shows and conferences again. By then, it won’t be wise to consider placing your video marketing efforts on the back burner. If anything, video marketing is the only platform that will continue to produce the consistent results you are looking for many years to come. Now that’s one marketing channel truly worth investing in!



Gone are the days when the process of reaching an audience is easy. If you want to increase sales or boost profit, you need to create demand. Unfortunately, viewers and audiences nowadays are no longer easily persuaded. 

While modern technology has made innovative graphic effects easily achievable, it has also created a generation of mobile phone-carrying, multi-tasking, and internet-surfing types of consumers. 

These consumers are presented with tons of attention-getting strategies everyday. This made getting the customer’s attention even more challenging especially when there are a thousand other brands trying to do the same thing. One solution that made these challenges easier to solve is corporate video production. 

Corporate videos have many uses and there are many areas in your marketing department which can directly benefit from these videos. For starters, corporate videos can be used to educate people about the company’s processes, celebrate a company milestone, create training material, document staff activity, and many others.

Without doubt, video marketing is a great addition to your promotion toolbox. If you still have doubts if corporate videos are worth investing in, the answer is a resounding yes. Not only will it allow you to have a competitive edge, it can also increase customer engagement as videos are highly versatile and cost-effective.

If you are still unsure if corporate video production should be a part of your digital marketing arsenal, the following benefits you’ll enjoy should help change your mind:

Increase Business Sales and Profit

Among the many reasons why brands these days are using video marketing is because it can bring in huge amounts of money. Based on a research, by adding a video on a landing page, you can increase its conversion rate by up to 80 percent. Plus, 74 percent of those who are watching an explainer video of a product are eventually end up purchasing it.

These statistics clearly show that videos have a large impact on how your audience perceives your brand and product. This gives brands all the more reason to start making a product video and keep up with their competitors.

It Can Help Build Trust

Trust is a good foundation for any brand to increase conversions and sales. The idea of content marketing is about creating long-term relationships between you and your target audience. More than anything however, corporate videos can do something quite crucial and that’s build trust.

As soon as you have built and established trust, everything else should come easy. If trust is there, consumers can be easily persuaded to try any of the products or services you are offering. If they like it, they might even convince their circle to also give what you have to offer a try.

It Can Improve Your Ranking

Through the use of videos, you can boost the time that visitors will spend on your site. This will result to longer brand exposure which will then help build trust between you and your audience. 

The best part of it is that it signals search engines like Google or Bing that your site has good content to offer. Research shows that you are 53 times even more likely to show up on Google’s first page if a video is embedded on your website. And since Google owns YouTube, it can also help boost your online ranking significantly.

If you need help with video production, we can help! We’ve been delivery high quality video solutions for many years now. Get in touch with us to know more! 

As a business owner, one of your goals may be that you want your brand to stand out. However, the problem is that your brand is not alone in this goal. Whether you are selling a product or a service, you are facing the same challenge. 

Now how does one get their message out there? What are the ways to define who you are or hold your customers’ attention? One of best marketing tools right now is video.

Low customer traffic

Are you getting low traffic on your website? Do you wish to have more followers or likes on social media? Maybe you want to consider creating a video marketing strategy for your business. 

According to statistics a marketing video will greatly increase online visibility of websites and can drive more action on social media. You can use it emotionally connect to your viewers and convince them to visit your website or follow your social media profile. 

Customers don’t understand what you offer

Even if you already have customers, if they’re not fully aware of what your brand is about or what it offers, then it will be hard to sell your brand, products, or services. Even though you have deliberately spelled it out all there in your product’s packaging or site, some may still be confused of your branding.  

This is a perfect opportunity to use video marketing to your advantage. Explainer or corporate videos can serve as a platform for your product pitches. You can show tutorials, illustrate product demonstrations, and educate your customers on the product before they buy.

You need to expand your reach

You can use animation video to portray your brand persona since it can easily incorporate, logo, and other marketing concepts you’ve already been using before. The animation can even have a voiceover actor that fits your audience type so you can make it more relatable. With a good quality animation video, you can build trust and portray your business as a reliable one. 

Website is not ranking well online

Remember that user experience is important in search engine ranking so give your audience a reason to browse your page. Get their attention immediately by showing them an explainer video with details that will let them easily grasp what your product or service is all about.

You want something new to offer to your followers

We all know by now that social media channels are great and effective avenues to engage audience with videos, be it an animation or documentary. There are also studies that show that about 92% of mobile video viewers are likely to share videos with their followers or friends. 

This multiplies video engagement rate. Additionally, explainer videos get the highest reach on social media sites like Facebook and they engage a huge percentage of audience reached.

If your staff members are already swamped with tasks or do not have the skills to finish the task, turn to Reelmedia Ptd Lte. We have years of experience in producing quality videos and we can help you reach your digital marketing goals.

Business exposure allows a business to get more customers. For your brand to get more conversion, corporate videos can be a very powerful tool. If you already have a website, getting traffic to your site is often challenging.

When social media networks were first introduced, many brands took the opportunity to open accounts because they know they can use it to expand their reach. Through social media, video clips can be used to attract the attention of potential buyers. 

And then you can send them directly to the websites for them to find out more about your products or services. You can use explainer videos or animation videos to convey a message, introduce a product, present a new service and more. 

Moreover, corporate video production can provide webcasts, which you can be used to keep customers on your website longer. The moment a visitor makes their way to your website, it takes less than 5 seconds to decide whether they want to stay. 

During this 5-minute window, you can use the video to target 2 sensory stimuli and encourage your audience to stay–vision and audition. Attending to both can already give your company a competitive advantage.

Building Trust with Customers

These corporate videos can be used not only on your website but on a wide range of social networks. Another way you can use it is by recording videos of your current and previous satisfied clients. 

These days, reviews and testimonials are becoming more and more popular. They are also effective in building trust. Potential customers find a real person telling then how effective your productive or service is as more relatable and reliable.

Help in Employee Training

Companies can benefit from video production far more than just helping them get a massive increase in their customer base. Corporate videos can also serve as training videos that can be used during company trainings.

Through a combination of audiovisual training, it will be easier for your staff to understand what your brand is all about. It will also help them become more efficient at work and can also help them become more effective at answering your customers’ needs.

Rank Better Online

Through videos, you can increase the time visitors spend on your site. The longer they stay on your site, the easier it will be for your brand to build trust and engagement with them. The best part is the longer visitors stay on your site, it signals search engines such as Google that your site offers good content. All the better for your SEO efforts, for sure!

Research shows that you’re 53 times more likely to show up on Google’s first page if a video is embedded on your website. And since Google owns YouTube, it can also bring a significant increase in your search engine rank.

People Love Watching Videos

When you scroll through your newsfeed, you’ll find tons of videos, whether it be about cute cats sleeping or brands selling kitchenwares. It’s no surprise that people spend a lot of time watching videos on a daily basis. 

According to Hyperfine Media, 1/3 of online activity now is spent on watching videos. Social media users like videos so much because they are fun to watch and are easier to consume.

If you’d like to produce powerful and compelling videos, you’ve come to the right place. We at Reelmedia can help you create corporate videos that will not only increase engagement but conversions as well.

The digital age has no doubt introduced a new age of corporate video production.

Gone are the days were cheesy infomercials used to be the thing.

Today, customers prefer entertaining, witty, and clever videos that capture their attention and make them want more.

While there is no exact template for corporate video success, there are a few things many persuasive, powerful, and exceptional corporate videos share.

For instance:

They are short and sweet. Easy and quick access to the Internet has one huge repercussion—shorter attention span.

In today’s modern times, people you will be advertising to will only give you their attention for a brief amount of time.

In the Internet where free content is freely available, video advertisements are often seen as roadblocks to desired content.

So how do you avoid becoming this roadblock?

The first thing you would need to do is come up with a solid script for your video.

Every second that you spend elegantly wording a sentence, you risk losing more customers who just want to see the content they desire.

A study by Next Web indicated that only 30 percent of viewers don’t skip pre-roll ads on YouTube.

With that in mind, make sure you do not waste precious time getting your primary selling points across.

They use humor to hook their viewers. Another effective technique common among enthralling corporate videos is the use of humor.

Humor serves two key roles in video marketing.

  1. It helps provide quality content that is enjoyable
  2. It avoids positioning the brand as nothing more than a “salesman”

Understandably, consumers in general don’t like it when buying the product is shoved in their faces.

Telling them what the product is all about and then asking them to buy it is often seen as distasteful.

If you don’t want to turn off your customers, consider it best to be subtle when it comes to selling them something.

Ideally, it would be wise to entice them to purchase by delivering quality content that resonates with them.

A well-crafted video with some tasteful humor thrown in can help you go a long way.

They put emphasis on the pain points. In general, most people purchase a product or service for one primary reason—they have a problem that the product or service can resolve.

For instance, for those who suffer from cold, they would want a product that can effectively relieve the symptoms, help them rest, and get them back on their feet.

This tactic is highly effective because rather than using a gimmick (which many customers can eventually see through anyway), you will be highlighting a problem (pain point) and showing how your product/service can help.

This will help your video come across as helpful and informative as opposed to a scheming sales ploy designed to merely trick them into spending their money.

They help you deliver a good call-to-action (CTA). When creating a truly effective video, you need to ensure it is more than just engaging.

More importantly, it should also contain a concise CTA that educates the consumers as to the next action they should do to take advantage of the information they have been given.

Equally important to creating a powerful CTA is the build-up.

Of course you wouldn’t want the viewers to stop watching the video before you are able to deliver the CTA.

In line with this, avoid phrases like “There you have it” before your CTA as it would be interpreted as a signal you have delivered your primary message.

They have all the crucial elements integrated. Some video creators commit the mistake of focusing on one or a few parts of ad and use shortcuts on other parts they don’t deem important.

However, if truth be told, effective corporate videos need to have a well-crafted script, the right visual, and the apt audio elements to give the video a winning edge.

While it can be tempting to give more emphasis to some aspects of the video you consider more important, you have to keep in mind that every integral element should be given equal attention.

For instance, you would not go far with a video that has an awesome script but terrible animation or sound.

Not only will it make your video seem mediocre, it can also make your brand appear unprofessional in the eyes of the viewers.



If you are a small player in the business world, you’ll need all the help you can get if you want to steer your business in the right direction.

The good news is, granting they are used accordingly, corporate videos can become your brand’s most invaluable ally.

With today’s modern world becoming increasingly connected, conventional marketing methods have taken a backseat and visual-rich methods like corporate videos have taken over.

Fortunately, you don’t have to be Stanley Kubrick or Steven Spielberg to create a powerful corporate video that truly delivers.

Nowadays, you have the option to leave this task to the expert hands of a competent video production company.

However, even if you will not be creating the corporate videos yourself, your insight will still be necessary.

To ensure your corporate video will accomplish all your goals, below are some of the essentials you need to keep in mind:

  • Ensure you have a crystal clear plan in mind.

To clearly determine the kind of corporate video you would like to make, you first need to know the message you would like to convey.

Figure out what your message is by answering the following key questions:

  1. Would I want a general introduction to the products / services I am offering?
  2. Would I like to promote a new product / service?
  3. Do I have a “special offer” I would like to highlight?
  4. Would I want a video that explains how my products / services can make the customer’s life happier, better, and easier?
  5. Do I want to emphasize my brand’s reputation and experience?
  6. Would I like to convey how customers feel about my products / services through reviews and testimonials?
  • Ensure you are able to highlight your edge over the others.

For many brands, corporate videos are considered one of the most effective ways to showcase their products / services and the ways they stand out from the rest.

Fortunately, contrary to popular belief, showcasing your products / services will not entail high-pressure marketing or a savvy Hollywood production.

If truth be told, corporate videos will work best if they focus more on how your products / services can benefit users as opposed to hype or sales.

Moreover, it would be best if your video will show your customers that your company is run by people who share the same values and beliefs they hold dear.

  • Ensure you pick the right setting for your video.

If you are involved in the restaurant business, consider capturing your chef in action.

If you are in the service business, you can show one of your employees visiting a customer donning the company uniform that bears your brand’s logo.

Keep in mind that for your corporate video to be effective, it should reflect the type of business you are in.

That being said, at all times, make it your goal to present an image that’s congruent to your business as well as something that your customers can easily remember.

  • Ensure your video shows your customers what makes your brand great.

Why should your customers choose your brand over all the others offering the same products or services?

Answer this question clearly by showcasing what makes your brand the best at what it does.

Show your customers how your brand is unique and why is it the best option available at their disposal.

Showcase your achievements.

Highlight your accomplishments and track records.

You can even throw in some positive feedback and testimonials from happy and very satisfied customers.

The more you are able to highlight what you can offer, the more effective your video will be.

  • Ensure you incorporate a call-to-action in your video.

To help warrant your corporate video delivers the results you are looking to accomplish, a strong call to action statement should be included.

For starters, your video should direct the viewers to your site or encourage them to know your brand more.

Make no mistake about it, a well-executed message can give you more than just massive site traffic.

More importantly, it can also lead to more sales and conversions.





Creating a video and posting it online has already evolved from just a simple hobby of trendy people to being a part of different businesses’ marketing. It’s has become essential to the corporate world for them to reach their target audience. Today, companies include a short corporate video on their home pages in order for their consumers to learn about them easily and quickly. If you are also interested in using corporate videos in your next campaign, here are some types you can use:

Broadcast Commercial :
This type of corporate video is can be quite expensive but it sure can generate the most return on investment or ROI if shown on the right medium and enough times. Broadcast commercial can be used on television, making it more expensive than the other video types on the list.

Company Profile:
Companies use this type of video to introduce their branding, product, or services to consumers. It can include a talking head, discussing information about the company or from the CEO or other top officials who is credible enough to discuss your business. A company profile helps reach a common ground with your audience within or even beyond your target market. You can do this by including some pictures of your enterprise’s interior, providing a little company history, and stating your business’ mission and unique marketing proposition. This way, viewers can get a better idea of your business’ purpose in the market.

Client testimonial:
The easiest way to connect with your target audience is by having product reviews by one of your customers. Someone who has already tested the product and can say his or her opinion about it. Reviews are becoming an essential part of marketing because online shoppers now want to get quick answers whether a service or product is worth buying. This is your client’s way of testing if your product lives up to its promotional claims.

Promotional video:
Promotional videos are created in order to present products, services, as well as branding. The only difference it has to TV commercials is that they are not necessarily produced for online consumption. These commercials can also be distributed using DVDs or even packaged along with other media, or be shared through social media.

Talent recruitment:
If you need more staff for a certain project or you need someone who can help you lead a new business venture, you can also create a new video to get more employees. Talent recruitment videos are designed to promote the company to your soon-to-be employees. Present your company as a good employer in order to attract the attention of skilled workers. Recruitment videos will help your human resources department to target specific individuals who are qualified for recruitment. They can use it along with your existing classified ads on employment sites or job portals.

Documentation of events:
Take advantage of your company’s year-end party or summer events to promote your company. It will showcase your company to your target audience that how you celebrate business milestones or appreciate your employees. These videos serves as your achievement evidence that you can present on your website, show to your new hires, and share on your social media sites. Use it as a compelling visual to develop an archive of your company history. You can also use videos of your business’ conferences or seminars.

If you are looking for a company who can help you build your next corporate video, get in touch with Reelmedia Pte. Ltd. Our friendly and professional staff will ensure you have the perfect video for any occasion and marketing campaign.

To support their marketing efforts, a lot of companies are starting to create corporate video production strategies. However, what many marketers and business owners do not know is that a video is not just composed of a good content from blogs or articles. For it to succeed in reaching the right audience, one has to go beyond just producing a great content and lots of budget. If you want to find out more about how you can succeed in your next corporate video production strategies, take some time to read the next paragraphs below.

Know what your corporate video’s purpose.
Before planning a corporate video production, you should first identify what it is for. An effective video has to be unique, and should be customized to what your target audience needs. Through the video, you may present your company’s branding or vision, or perhaps use it to attract more customers. Whatever your purpose is, consider what your company is intending to offer in order to properly convey it through your video’s message.

For instance, if you are just starting in the industry and would like to introduce your branding, your video can have some client testimonials. In case you need more staff for a new project, your video may include employee testimonials. An explainer or “how to” video is ideal for presenting your company’s proficiency in a certain field. As for product launching, you can create a video showing product overviews.

Have an effective and engaging script.
Even for videos, content is still king. If you don’t want to be just another video that your clients would skip, it has to have a story that will catch your audience’s attention. Whether you want it to be an emotional or funny short film about your branding, choose a tone that you think will best help you share some of your brand or client’s strongest and most engaging stories.

Remember that a corporate video takes a lot of money, time, and hours to create so there is no reason to rush it or spend your company resources on a bad video. For it to be unique, you want to connect your video’s message to the problems or topics your clients are currently trying to resolve.

Have a concrete plan.
Don’t skip any step in creating an awesome plan. Dedicate time to do research, plan, and organize to make sure that your video does not look like it was rushed. Everything from the video production team, budget, to time frame, you need to make sure that your audience will perceive the video as well planned and well crafted. If needed, you can also look for outside resources or volunteers from your company who are interested and willing to offer their creative inputs.

However, if you have the budget and you want to ensure that the video is of great quality, a little help from experienced video production companies will be a great idea. With their help, you can easily execute your well thought of plan on how you want the video to appeal to your audience. This makes it easier to get the job done for everyone involved in the video production team.

Value the quality of the video.
If you are just starting in the business, no one’s expecting you to produce an overly budgeted video. Just create a decent one with help of a professional video production team and work within your budget.

Visit Reelmedia Pte. Ltd.’s website to know how you can create quality corporate videos that you can be proud to promote to your audience.